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Saturday, 11 April 2015

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 11 Most Proud Moment

Good morning!

I really didn't know what to put for this.  I'm proud of my husband and daughter all the time but with small things.

I suppose the time I was proudest of my husband was when he supported DJ/Artist/Actor Goldie at a local venue he has also DJ'd several times at Belladrum which is a huge music festival near where we live.  I am also proud of the way he is so enthusiastic about the music he loves and works with promoters to bring some decent acts up North.

My daughter makes me proud nearly every day.  She is doing so well academically and she makes me  so proud when I see her on the stage singing with the pop choir or taking part in cheerleading and dancing events.

I am also really proud of my Aunt in the way she fought back after having a stroke and pulmonary embolism and how she never complains that she's not very mobile or able to do much.

Me, well I'm just proud of being a design team member on several challenge blogs and when people genuinely like my cards.  When someone opens a handmade card and says "did you really make that?" then I couldn't be prouder.

Bye for now,
Shona xx