Gosh it's been ages since I've been on here with a card. I've had a busy few weeks with one thing and another and also printer problems left me unable to finish a couple of cards I had on the go that were waiting for sentiments. After much faffing around with my old printer I've bit the bullet and gone for a new one. I can't believe I've got one the same brand as I had but with more features for half the price I paid over 8 years ago! At least now as well as being back in business with sentiments I can also print off some of the digi images I've had to put to one side.
Tonight's card is one a friend asked me to make for her kids to give her mum in law. I was toying with the idea of buying the stamp of this LOTV image when spookily the very same day this pre stamped and coloured version arrived through my letter box as part of a challenge prize, how lucky is that?
I've chosen Docrafts Capsule Collection Papers in toning shades and added faux stitching and kraft cardstock. I've also made a flower using the same papers and a Tim Holtz Tattered Florals die set. I've added a button to the centre of the flower which I've tied with twine. I've finished off my card with some cream lace from Hobbycraft, spotty organza ribbon, pearls and a computer generated sentiment.
It's late so it's bed for me now, hope I can sleep with the strong winds we have tonight, it sounds wild out there!
Shona xx
I'd like to enter my card into the following challenges:
Oh this is a SWEET and beautiful card Shona!!! I'm sure that "Granny" loved it or will love it!!! Thanks for sharing with us at Fussy and Fancy "Birthday" challenge!!
ReplyDeleteFirst Shona I love the colors you chose to use with the "coffee & cream" predominant and that spot of yellow/blonde popping off the page! That flower cut from DP is perfect for your design and the ribbon, button and lace are delightful details. Guess you can say I like this card! LOL! And Granny will too!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your project & creativity with us!
DT for Aud Sentiments: [#102 "Any Thing Goes"]
RubberMAD (GettyCollection.com)
beautiful card Shona, gorgeous color combo, love this image and design.
Hi Shona.
ReplyDeleteYour card is so adorable. I love the little details and the colors.
Greetings from Switzerland
Awesome fab card. Thanks for playing with AudSentiments this week.
ReplyDeleteA really wonderful card!
ReplyDeleteThank you soo much for taking part in our "Buttons and Bows” challenge & good luck in the draw…
Hope to see you again in our new challenge on Wednesday.
(DT Penny's Paper Crafty Challenges)
Very sweet design.
ReplyDeleteHugs Diane
Gorgeous card, Shona. I love the brown and white together, it's so lovely.
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining our Lili of the Valley 'Crafty BINGO' challenge!
Good Luck!
Erica x